понедельник, 14 мая 2018 г.

I will draw a new clip art or redraw clipart

I will draw a new clip art or redraw clipart


!!!!Welcome to MY GIG!!!!
Level 2 seller over 4000 orders completed.

I will draw a new CLIP ART  or I will redraw/duplicate/clone any clipart from my style.

basic $10 order.
  • I will draw a new clip art or redraw.
  • Minimum details and shadows.
  • only do 2 corrections.
  • 1 main character or main item.
  • Draw background with minimum details.
  • Delivery within 2 days

  • If you need a very advanced design with more details please add GIG extras call advance design.
  • If you need Commercial Use License. please add GIG Extras.
    • All of my hand drawn designs are protected by Fiverr copyrights

    In the name of God, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful. 
    I am Prabhani, and a level 2 seller.
    Thank you.


    dingsdat:Just perfect :)

    bingbanners:!!!!!!!Thank you Very Much!!!!!!!

    mcgoon61:love it thanks so much

    bingbanners:!!!!!!!Thank You Very Much!!!!!!!

    megamanda:Created exactly what I was looking for!

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