пятница, 27 апреля 2018 г.

I will do exactly what you want, provided that you give me enough details and time.

I will do exactly what you want, provided that you give me enough details and time.


this is my new gig.

freehand pencil drawing/sketch in black and white 

if you want it colored,  just add another gig.

this is my new gig.

freehand pencil drawing/sketch in black and white 

if you want it colored,  just add another gig.


michaelhunde159:Very fast and accurate, I will be using him for all my stuff.\n

michaelhunde159:Easy and complete.

jconoyer:Great job. Thanks!

rageofthezombie:Great to work with!!!! VERY TALENTED :-) Many Thanks from us

rageofthezombie:Great to work with!!!!! Very talented!!!!! Thanks

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