четверг, 20 февраля 2020 г.

Create Comic Book And Custom Illustration



I am kukuhstudio

I'am comic artist

Iwill make awasome comic or custome illustration for you

Basic Package:
Cimic style art in black and white

Comic Book style art in greyscale with black and white pencils and inked artwork source file

Standard package:
Comic style art in color

Cimic Book style art in full color with balck and white pencils and inked artwork source file

Premium Package:
Comic style art in Large Format

Comic Book style art in full color in large format or poster size with b/w pencils and inked artwork source file

((((PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU ORDER)))).No Revisions if the order passed 3 days after dilivering and mark as a COMPLATED ORDER.

.If you have any questions, please contact me before you order.



Great work!


awesome work! thank you!


Good jod.


Great work.... and so quick. Will continue to use service for a very long time!


Thanks for the work, done very fast and helpful.

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