среда, 22 января 2020 г.

Illustrate A Professional Fantasy Book Cover


Hello authors and readers!
Welcome to our fantasy world!!
Do you imagine stories about mythical beasts, legendary kingdoms and adventures? If you are searching for a stunning cover for your magical story you!! Join our world with perfect custom illustration for your book that will boost your sells and will make your book bestseller!

We offer:
Book Covers (full cover + Ebook + Print Ready File)

• Illustrations 

• Marketing Materials (banner, bookmark, video) 

• Unlimited Revisions and 24 hours Customer Support

We work with all fantasy type genres like:
High Fantasy
Low Fantasy 
Young Adult 
Science Fiction
Sword and Sorcery
Fairy Tales

All you have to do is to provide your descrition and Ideas for your cover! Every cover that we create is custom and unique and this will take time so 
Before you order please contact us!!!

For more details and info, contact us. We can't wait to work with you!!!


Seller's Response:

He was clearly VERY busy that that's understandable since he puts out great work and follows instructions better then anyone else I've worked with. I didn't mind waiting for my vision to be realized but I imagine some would.

Seller's Response:

Thank you very much!

Seller's Response:

Well well. Now that was something. :) At first I thought this would not end well. Unto what matters: The result was fantastic. The artist actually used his own imagination instead of copy pasting what I gave him. I had a modest cover in mind. What he delivered, was more magnificent than I would have expected. So I am happy and shall consider coming back, if he is willing to endure me. Unto the downsides, however. At first it seemed as though the artist barely cares. You are met with standard messages which he uses even in the comments here and I generally felt like a product on a treadmill. In the end, after a short delay, he unfreezed abit. Overall, he is cute, I admit. I like his style.

Seller's Response:

Seller slow to respond, twice said they would deliver the next day but did not. Made changes without demur but work was amateurish and lacked artisitic skill.


You ordered my basic cover package. This mean you will get simple book cover.. I can't deliver the best quality cover in my basic package. This is not acceptable at all!!!

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