I will create pro instructional manual for product

Hello and Welcome! If you looking for professional Instructional Manual then you in the right palce!User manuals are written guides in either hard-copy (paper) or electronic document PDF format that provide instructions on how to do or use something. I have huge experience with creating hundreds Instructional Manuals.
How this work ?
- You will need provide image references for each step and dimensions. If you not have experience with this then please message me before order this gig. I will be happy answer to all your questions.
- If you know layout details then please provide them in order. Layout is placing images with text on document. All my packages is instruction images steps and will be delivered separate each as files, and as preview on simple A4 mockup. If you have your layout specifications I will do this with price we agree.
Please Feel contact me 24/7!

philipejimofor:Great work. Very responsive and looks for clarification if not sure.
cardsstation:Thank you for your project! Looking forward to the new collaboration with you.
georgewillia170:Great service and quality art work
cardsstation:Amazing collaboration with George! Looking Forward to work together again!
ericdahl:Tremendous work. Absolutely will be using again in future.

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