суббота, 4 апреля 2020 г.

Draw Quality And Colorful Illustration For You


I'm here to help you create: 

-children's book

-spot illustration

-invitation card

-greeting card


-social media profile illustration

-or discuss with me for something else

Before you order, you can discuss with me first if you want. 

After you order, there are 3 steps you should know.

- Give me some illustration brief. 

-I'll create a rough drawing for you to review.

-After you approve the ideas, character, and background sketch, I'll deliver final drawing for you. (Digital only! If you need it printed and mail to you, please contact me, and y
ou need to add my name into the credits of your project. .)

Please feel free to ask me any questions about the illustrations. And hope you like my works!

Yvonne Wu

My website: www.yvonnewuart.com


Seller's Response:

Easy to get to a vision and create possibilities!

Seller's Response:

Wonderful to work with and a brilliant final product!


Thank you very much!


Great to work with!


Really easy to work with and very responsive.

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